People with hearing loss often lose out on large parts of their life. They are often completely ignored by their own family members, and disrespected by their children. People with hearing loss are often made fun of or are treated in a dismissive manner.
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People often put off going to an audiologist because of the fear of being diagnosed with hearing loss. In reality, there are several auditory problems that are temporary and can easily be treated using hearing aids. Hearing loss is a gradual process, so early detection can actually help prevent any permanent damage and preserve your hearing.
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It is a strange paradox that those with untreated hearing loss are stigmatized just as much as those who wear hearing aids to rectify their hearing loss. This may be one of the reasons as to why people are reluctant to seek help regarding hearing loss. It is important to increase awareness in order to generate an attitude shift within the general population to help towards the acceptance of hearing aids.
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Music can relieve the mind and soothe the senses. Nine out of ten Americans listen to music recreationally, which should tell you just how popular it is as a mode of relaxation. Music can help you forget the bad times and remember the good times.
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Nutrition does more than keep our body and mind fit. It can even help boost our sense of hearing and even prevent hearing damage! Here are some vital foods that can help you keep your hearing intact for all your years to come. Hearing loss is a permanent condition so it is best to preserve your hearing while it is still intact.
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Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure is a health condition that affects almost 70 million Americans, based on a report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This means that out of every three adults, one of them has high blood pressure.
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Hearing aids are truly miraculous little devices that can help vastly improve your daily hearing experience in a variety of environmental settings. Be it a busy street or a quiet café, hearing aids can help you adjust with ease to all the varying degrees of noise in your daily life.
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Hearing aids are a great way to combat hearing loss; until they start whistling! That annoying buzzing sound that sometimes emits from hearing aids is a result of feedback. This feedback happens due to improperly fitted hearing aids which allow air to leak in, or because of excessive amounts of power.
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Hearing loss is a common problem in America. Unfortunately, only 20% of those with hearing loss wear hearing aids; this means the majority of people with hearing loss are left untreated. It can take an average American a decade before they finally seek help for their hearing loss, and lack of treatment puts them at several health risks.
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Hearing loss rarely occurs overnight; it is a gradual process that can often occur over the span of years. This is why early warning signs are often neglected and dismissed as temporary problems, primarily because hearing loss is thought to be a problem of the elderly. Even though this is true, since 1 in 3 people aged above 65 do indeed have some form of hearing loss, problems with hearing can affect anyone at any point in time.
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Snoring is one of the actions we often have no control over since it occurs while we sleep. However, those with sleep apnea may run a higher risk of suffering from hearing loss.
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Hearing loss can pose a major difficulty in communication. Even simple tasks such as answering the telephone or talking to your partner can become a challenge. You may feel left out at dinner conversations and feel out of place when others are laughing at a joke you never heard. Constantly having to ask others to repeat what they said can be frustrating for both them and you. Exploring hearing loss and its effects can help equip you with the tools you need to seek treatment to rectify your hearing problem and gain back control of your life.
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Hearing loss often inhibits people from wanting to leave the safety of their homes to venture into a restaurant. The challenges of eating at a restaurant are many for those with hearing loss. Restaurants are usually busy environments, with multiple conversations taking place all at once. The constant clinking of silverware, the blaring music, and the chatter of other customers can all add to the difficulty in hearing. Despite all of these challenges, you can still enjoy your next night out at your favorite eating joint with the following suggestions.
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The world of hearing loss is often plagued with numerous amounts of misinformation and myths, which add to its unnecessary stigma. It is important to learn the facts about loss of hearing as well as the use of hearing aids so that we can help ourselves and our loved ones in times of need.
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We all think of hearing loss as a problem that affects the elderly population. However, in some situations, hearing loss may be caused due to a simple matter of excessive earwax, which is also known as cerumen.
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When we think of treatments for hearing loss, most of us think of hearing aids. These electronic devices are definitely the more popular choice when it comes to treatment for sensorineural hearing damage, which is the most common cause of hearing loss.
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We all love staying fit and healthy, but it is hard to do so when a vital part of our being is being completely ignored. Our hearing health is often the most neglected part of our health, since it is never a part of a routine medical check-up.
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Hearing loss is the third most prevalent condition in America, affecting around 36 million people in the country. While congenital loss of hearing is present at birth or develops during infancy, many of the acquired cases of hearing damage actually can be averted.
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Advancements in technology means many helpful tools and gadgets that can help people deal with their hearing loss more effectively. It appears that every problem in today’s world has a simple gadget as its solution. Be it alarm clocks that vibrate and flash lights or phones that can easily amplify sound, you can find one device or another to help manage all your hearing difficulties.
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Our ears are taken for granted every single day. We may not realize just how important they are but even simple tasks like standing and walking would not be possible without our ears. The liquid in our inner ears help maintain our sense of balance and help keep us upright. It goes without saying that our ears help us hear the innumerable sounds that we love to hear each day.
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People with hearing loss often shy away from social gatherings and events involving large crowds. Hearing loss can be an isolating and embarrassing condition and people with hearing loss often feel uncomfortable and out of place being unable to hear what is going on and constantly having to ask others to repeat themselves. You no longer need to avoid your next family event just because of your hearing loss. Read on to see what you can do to enjoy yourself without worrying about your hearing problem.
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We all love it when it gets warm outside. We get to go out and bask in the sun and engage in our favorite summer activities. Even though summer can bring on a host of fun activities, it can be challenging and rough on your hearing aids. Keep these simple recommendations in mind so that your hearing aids can have a fun and safe summer.
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We all love to listen to music at top volume. It can be fun for a while, but over the years, this high volume can lead to permanent hearing loss. Damage to hearing is an irreversible condition that can require you to obtain hearing aids, so make sure you are listening to music at a safe sound level. How can you know what level of sound is safe for your ears? Read more to find out.
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The current generation is almost obsessed with “zoning out” by plugging their ears with their earbuds to listen to music on their personal audio devices. This can be a danger to their hearing health. Be it the gym, a walk around campus, or even in the bathtub, using earbuds has become a bad habit of many in the younger generation.
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People do not think of hearing loss when they think of the most common injuries sustained in the workplace. However, hearing loss affects 48 million people in the United States, which makes it the third most widespread medical ailment in America.
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Happiness is generally linked with pleasant memories of bygone days spent with the people we love. We generally do not think of hearing aids as a source of happiness, but they can truly help someone with hearing loss obtain the happiness they deserve from life.
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‘Tis the season to be jolly, but perhaps hearing loss tends to put a damper in your festive holiday mood. Thankfully, a few simple measures can ensure that your hearing loss does not interfere with your merriment this holiday season.
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Having our hearing tested can be a nerve-wracking experience! No one wants to find out that they have hearing loss, but having some moral and emotional support can make this experience a lot better. This is why it is a good idea to take a friend along with you when you go for a hearing exam.
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You appear to be hearing just fine, even though it seems that everyone around you is speaking a different language! You may be able to hear sounds from your television but seem to have trouble making out what is being said. Your wife is speaking to you and you can hear her voice, but her words seem all mumbled and unclear. If these situations sound familiar, you may have hearing loss.
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Hearing loss is often attributed to the elderly population when in reality, a significant number of young adults also experience hearing loss. In America, one in every ten individuals spend time listening to personal audio devices at unsafe volumes. This can cause irreparable damage to their hearing.
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Technology is constantly changing at a rapid rate each day. This is true even for hearing aids, which utilize state-of-the-art technology to help enhance your hearing experience. We all like to upgrade to the latest model when it comes to smart phones, gadgets, and even cars, so why not hearing aids?
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Congratulations on getting your first pair of hearing aids! You may be curious about how you might get your new hearing aids adjusted so that you can begin to enjoy your new hearing experience. You do not need to wonder any longer. Keep reading to find out.
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We use our sense of hearing every single day whether we realize it or not. Even while we sleep, our sense of hearing continues to function, until it doesn’t! This is when you start to take notice and begin to have a nagging suspicion that you may have hearing loss.
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We always think that we will never need hearing aids and that hearing loss is for anyone else but us. We all dread the feeling when we are unable to hear what people are saying all around us. Hearing loss can unfortunately occur at any point in life, and hearing aids can truly help you get back on track to hearing to the best of your ability.
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When we think of injuries sustained in the workplace, rarely do we think of hearing loss. However, the Center for Disease Control reported that in America, around 22 million employees experience unsafe levels of sound in their work environments. This makes hearing loss the number one injury sustained in the workplace!
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We all search for independence from a very early age. Be it the ability to walk without help, to drive in our own car, or to be able to hear without asking others to constantly repeat themselves. Thankfully, with hearing aids, you can regain your sense of freedom from the shackles that hearing loss binds you with.
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Hearing loss is the third most prevalent health condition in the United States, following cardiovascular disease and arthritis. With its prevalence, one would think that prescribing hearing aids for hearing loss would be a priority, but unfortunately this is not the case.
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Have you ever found yourself feeling drained after a day, even though you have not been participating in any physically challenging activity? Do you find yourself exhausted simply after having conversations with your friends and coworkers? Do you need to strain in order to catch parts of the conversation? Hearing loss could be at the root of all your problems.
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We often think of hearing loss as an inevitable part of aging, but is this necessarily true? Our hearing is affected in the future by how we treat it today. This is why our hearing is one of the things we can actually protect if we are careful, so that we do not have to deal with the woes of hearing loss as we age.
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Who knew that even going to work can be harmful for your hearing?! Some workplace noises are actually loud enough to cause permanent hearing damage over time, so it is a good idea to become aware of these noises and take steps to protect your hearing to prevent any damage.
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Hearing loss is the third most common health condition that affects Americans today. Yet, majority of people appear overly surprised when they are diagnosed with hearing loss. There is this underlying belief that hearing loss happens to the old; to others, but not to me! Unfortunately, hearing loss can strike at any point in your lifetime, and not only because of old age.
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We all rely on our hearing on a daily basis, but a musician is almost entirely dependent on theirs for their livelihood. This is why hearing loss severely impacts musicians on a negative level, more than many other professions.
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We all take our hearing for granted, even though it is actually a very complex procedure that takes place in a matter of split seconds. The brain is responsible for deciphering the sound signals sent by the ears, and it regulates the amount of incoming sound signals each and every moment to prevent sensory overload.
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It is not uncommon for us to get our eyesight treated on a regular basis. Even children as young as two or three years of age can be seen roaming around with a pair of glasses. If only people were as eager to treat their hearing loss as they are about treating their eyesight.
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Hearing aids are wonderful tools that help us have a superior hearing experience despite having hearing loss. However, hearing aids are delicate electronic devices that require regular care and maintenance in order to function optimally. There are some common problems that occur with hearing aids, which also have simple remedies.
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Hearing loss is the unfortunate inability to recognize and process sound signals. It can affect one or both ears in varying degrees of severity. Bilateral hearing loss (BHL) refers to hearing loss that affects both ears.
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Each morning you may feel excited to get ready for the day, but at work you slowly find yourself exhausted and by the end of the day you may feel drained in both physical as well as mental terms, even when you have not engaged in any physically or mentally challenging work per se. If this sounds familiar to you, you might have hearing loss.
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The fast-paced, loud world we live in these days has given rise to teenagers who unknowingly suffer from hearing loss, changing the commonly held belief that hearing loss is only a problem for the elderly.
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Hearing loss is a gradual condition that can affect any person at any point in their lifetime. Due to its gradual nature, you may not realize that you even have a hearing problem until it reaches a significant degree of discomfort.
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We all love waving goodbye at the year that has gone by, while looking forward to the brand new year by making new promises and resolutions. We think about ways to improve our physical health, our communication skills, and even our jobs, but seldom do we take a moment to include hearing health as part of our new year’s resolutions.
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Hearing loss has been shown to have a link with decreased cognitive abilities. Damaged hearing places additional strain on the brain, which over time can lead to deterioration in cognitive skills and gives rise to problems like dementia with age.
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Hearing aids are a wonderful way to get back in touch with your lost world of sound. It is amazing to be able to enjoy the sounds you were missing out on due to your hearing loss. Sometimes, we may be so eager to rejoin our world of sound that we may overlook some necessary measures.
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We all want the best possible life for all of us. We often do this by earning more money, working hard, saving for rainy days, and taking care of our body. Rarely do we think that our hearing health also has an impact on the quality of our daily lives.
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It is great to enjoy the last remaining days of warmer weather before the cold sets in. Make sure you take good care of your hearing aids during these times so that you can make the most out of your hearing experience.
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Hearing aids are wonderful devices which help us make the most of our world of sound. However, in order to help keep them functioning at their optimal level, we must take good care of them and perform routine maintenances and repairs. Even though you are provided with a cleaning kit when you get hearing aids, it is a good idea to let a professional clean your hearing aids once in a while.
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Hearing loss can often be a social deterrent since people with hearing damage often feel isolated and left out during conversations at parties and social gatherings. Noisy environments coupled with sounds of clinking cutlery and multiple conversations can often be a nightmare for those who are hard of hearing. If you have hearing loss, you no longer need to fret about staying away or wondering how you’ll fit in if you take these few simple steps.
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When we think of pollution, we think of choked up beaches, littered streets and polluted lakes. Rarely do we think of our world of sound as a source of pollution. The truth is that noise pollution is an unseen culprit that can cause the third most prevalent health condition in America: hearing loss.
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People may not realize this, but hearing loss is on the rise. In fact, in the near future, NOT being able to hear might soon become more normal than having regular hearing! Surprising?! As unsettling as this statement may seem, this may well be what the future holds for us.
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Yard work is already strenuous enough without the added risk of sustaining hearing loss during it. Be it your time outside mowing the lawn, or hammering away at the patio or porch, yard work often involves loud noises that can hurt your hearing.
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A large number of studies have shown the connection between hearing loss and dementia. Loss of hearing can hamper cognitive abilities, reported by a study conducted recently at the Johns Hopkins University. Hearing loss produces severe damage to physiological and psychological health, and it is imperative to treat it in a timely manner.
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It is commonly believed that hearing loss is a problem of the elderly population in America. This cannot be further from the truth. In America, approximately 12,000 infants are born with some form of hearing impairment every year.
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Hearing loss can feel like it snuck up on you, when in reality it often takes years to manifest. Having a hearing problem can result in several other subsequent problems that affect your physical as well as psychological well-being.
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Hearing loss is a significant problem in the United States today. Our ears are constantly exposed to unsafe levels of loud noises each day, which can result in permanent hearing damage.
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The short and simple answer to the above question is usually “yes.” Unlike minor cuts and bruises, our body has still not developed the capacity to regenerate hearing. Modern researchers are working on novel hearing treatments that aim to restore natural hearing in the future, but such treatment methods are still in their infancy stage.
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Hearing loss is a major problem in today’s world, with around half a billion people affected by it across the globe. Loss of hearing can cost us our mental and physical health, and even put us at risk of sustaining injuries due to falling.
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Hearing loss is a condition that cannot be undone in most cases. This is why it is important to protect your hearing while you still can. The ears are very delicate organs that can be easily damaged due to too much noise. This is why it is imperative that you engage in auditory protection to preserve your hearing.
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Hearing loss is a difficult truth to accept, no matter how old you might be. It is important to know that early intervention gives you the best outcomes and a higher chance of getting back to a normal life. The longer you wait, the lower your chances of getting effective treatment for your hearing loss.
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We all live a virtual life to a certain extent these days, what with social media playing such a dominant role in our daily lives. It is crucial therefore, to find more ways to stay connected and updated. You can now do this through the use of hearing aids.
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Hearing aids can be a great help when it comes to those of us who love traveling to exotic destinations for our summer vacations. Even though we may enjoy our vacations, there are various factors we need to keep in mind for those with hearing aids.
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Our sense of hearing is important in helping us keep pace with everything that goes on in our daily lives. Be it those sweet whispers from our spouse or the tinkling laughter of our children, the sounds of our daily lives is what really makes our world go round. Imagine a world where those sounds slowly began fading into nothing but silence due to hearing loss.
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Our body is a miraculous thing that is capable of multiple feats when we take good care of it. Like any other machine, it too requires sufficient amounts of rest in order to recharge and function optimally. This is why getting an adequate amount of sleep is extremely necessary. Insomnia results in several physiological problems such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke, as well as hearing loss.
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Hearing aid technology has improved in leaps and bounds in modern times. With every new development comes the exciting opportunity of using your hearing aids in more ways than mere hearing devices. With hearing loss being the third most common health ailment in America, this news brings a ray of hope to us all.
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Hearing loss is a common problem in America today, with 44 million Americans being affected by it currently. We are all aware of many of the dangers that can lead to hearing loss, such as loud noises and aging, but did you know that hearing loss is also linked to diabetes?
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We all love to hear the sounds and see the sights of the world around us. Taking good care of these senses can actually help boost our cognitive functions, according to collaborative studies published by the University of Michigan in America as well as the University of Manchester in the U.K.
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It is the time of the year when people start smiling a lot more and becoming more generous while we all gear up for the holiday season. Some of us might find this time of year particularly challenging though, especially if they have hearing loss.
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Hearing loss is difficult enough as it is, without adding the burden of having to figure out what is going on in the workplace on a daily basis. We can design our workplace to help accommodate our hearing impaired employees. In so doing, we not only make our work environment a happier place for our employees, we also increase work productivity.
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By Misty Littleton, Au.D.
October 15, 2018
hearing loss, hearing protection
We all need some “me” time to let go of all our stress and do something we enjoy. This is why we engage in our favorite hobbies, which can be varied, fun, and sometimes rather noisy. It is important to watch out for these noisy hobbies, since they may cost us our hearing.
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Hearing aids are wonderful devices that help us get the most out of our daily interactions in the real world. Our hearing experience becomes far more enhanced thanks to our hearing aids, but over time, our needs and requirements change, which is why it may be time to update the hearing aids that you currently possess.
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Hearing aids are by no means a modern contraption. We as the human race have always used various methods to rectify our hearing, for eons! Let’s take a trip down the long, winding path of history to see how our hearing innovations have progressed over the years.
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Summer is here! As you bask in the warm, soothing sun, don’t forget to take good care of your hearing aids so that you can enjoy your summer activities without putting your hearing aids in danger.
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Congratulations on getting your first pair of hearing aids! You can now hear the sounds in your daily life at a more enhanced rate. Even though your hearing aids help you out to a great extent, you can also help them help you by taking good care of them.
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Happiness brings to mind so many memorable moments spent with the people we love. We think about the days we spent on vacations, family dinners, and special dates with our partner. Rarely do we think about the fact that none of these memorable moments would be quite as memorable if we did not have our hearing aids.
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Hearing aids are tiny devices with monumental benefits. Hearing aids provide improved hearing abilities for those with hearing loss, yet are so simple to use. Rarely do we stop and think about the way in which these tiny miraculous devices work.
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We live in a world full of sounds. Some are pleasant, while others disrupt our sense of peace and wellbeing. Furthermore, extreme levels of sound can be detrimental towards our hearing. It is important to identify common sources of sound pollution in order to protect our hearing and prevent hearing loss.
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People often store their auditory memories through the part of the sensory memory system known as the echoic memory. This particular sensory memory keeps an internal record of the sounds you have been exposed to throughout your lifetime.
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Communication is a two-way street which consists of speaking AND listening. People mostly emphasize on the first part and completely ignore the latter, which is equally important in effective communication, if not more.
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Hearing aids are effective modes of treatment for hearing loss. Like any other device, over time the efficacy of your hearing aids may decline due to their daily wear and tear. Typically, hearing aids last up to 5-7 years or even longer in some cases. If you notice that your hearing aids no longer provide the quality of sound that they used to and you have attempted several costly repairs on them, it might be better to consider replacing them and getting new ones.
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Hearing loss can be even more challenging to deal with during the holiday season, when socializing is at a maximum. Even with hearing aids on, having a pleasant experience during the holidays depends on a few factors. Here are a few useful measures that can help you have a wonderful holiday experience, whether you are the host or a guest with hearing loss.
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Tinnitus is the discernment of sound in the absence of any external stimuli to cause such a sound, based on the definition provided by the American Tinnitus Association. People often perceive a ringing sensation within the ears, although it manifests itself in an assortment of sounds such as hissing, whistling, or buzzing sounds.
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Earphones are an immensely popular method of listening to music since they are convenient, user friendly, and portable. However, despite being a popular accessory, they can also result in severe hearing damage.
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When it comes to hearing loss, it can sometimes become difficult for us to admit that our parents might be going through it. They might miss out on hearing the occasional sentence and we tend to ignore this for the most part, but if they show continuous signs of missing bits and pieces of every conversation, they may need to get their hearing tested.
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With changes in modern technology, elderly Americans have various methods of maintaining an active life despite having hearing loss. One in three Americans over 65 years of age have some form of hearing loss, while half of the Americans aged above 75 years have hearing loss. Hearing loss is the third most common condition in America, listed after cardiovascular disease and arthritis.
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People often wait for the fall to enjoy the fall colors of the trees and the brisk, chilly breeze. However, this breeze can often lead to problems for those wearing hearing aids due to wind noise.
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By Misty Littleton, Au.D.
May 15, 2017
hearing loss, hearing aids
Hearing loss has no age bar and can affect people of any age at any point in their lives. Some people are born with hearing loss while others develop it over time. Even though people often consider hearing loss to be a problem of the elderly, even children can become susceptible to hearing loss. Children with hearing loss have far more adverse effects due to which it is important to treat hearing loss in children effectively.
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By Misty Littleton, Au.D.
April 14, 2017
hearing loss, ear allergies
Allergies are common and can be caused by food, medicine, or specific types of materials that negatively impact us in various ways. The body reacts to allergies through inflammation, irritation, and infection. In some cases allergies can even lead to hearing loss.
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By Misty Littleton, Au.D.
March 15, 2017
hearing loss, sport
Everyone enjoys the lively cheer during sporting events. Be it your favorite football team or baseball team, sports just isn’t sports without all the cheering. The unfortunate effect of being exposed to loud noises over a period of time is hearing loss.
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By Misty Littleton, Au.D.
February 15, 2017
hearing loss, dopamine, music
Researchers have recently explored the effects of listening to one’s favorite music. Music has a broad range of genres and each of these genres can subjectively induce an impressive emotional reaction from each person, depending on their preference. Although the music is the same, the reactions may be difference due to the discharge of the neurotransmitter known as dopamine within the brain.
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The statistics are alarming. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), 36 million Americans have a hearing loss—this includes 17% of our adult population. The incidence of hearing loss increases with age. Approximately one third of Americans between ages 65 and 74 and nearly half of those over age 75 have hearing loss (NIDCD, 2010).
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Every day, we experience sound in our environment, such as the sounds from television and radio, household appliances, and traffic. Normally, these sounds are at safe levels that don’t damage our hearing. But sounds can be harmful when they are too loud, even for a brief time, or when they are both loud and long-lasting. These sounds can damage sensitive structures in the inner ear and cause noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
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Hearing Loss can Affect Your Enjoyment of the Holidays
By Kristi H. Rockefeller, AuD
October 14, 2016
hearing loss
hearing loss, holidays
The holidays can always be stressful with all the shopping to find the perfect present, followed by visits to numerous food shops with stressed out shoppers fighting over the last turkey!
However for those suffering from hearing loss, the real challenge is entertaining family and friends who come over for the holidays. For individuals with hearing loss the festive season can be a very isolating time, even if you have a house full of guests.
A hearing exam can help you determine whether your hearing is keeping you from fully interacting with those around you. If you feel that you have difficulty hearing or have to ask those around you to repeat themselves often, you may benefit from a hearing exam to find out the cause. At The ENT Center, AMC we will conduct a thorough hearing exam and we will give you the best options so you can remain fully engaged this holiday season.
Hearing Loss - Effects on An Active Lifestyle
By Misty L. Littleton, AuD
September 15, 2016
hearing, lifestyle
Our hearing is instrumental in allowing us to enjoy an active lifestyle. Whether it is participating in a lively discussion, traveling, or practicing our favorite outdoor activity or sport, healthy hearing allows us to be engaged with those around us.
Weakening sight – no problem, we do not hesitate at the idea of getting glasses. Most of us even see it as an opportunity to develop a personal style. But damage to hearing apparently has some kind of stigma attached to it. So many of us choose to suffer hearing loss in silence. But diminished hearing can cause so many embarrassing situations for us including misunderstandings and eventual withdrawal from social situations. We start avoiding friends and family and opportunities to meet new people. This is why individuals with hearing loss tend to experience sadness and depression. They reduce their social activities and eventually become emotionally withdrawn.
If you feel that you may be experiencing a hearing loss it is recommended that you have a hearing exam to determine the extent of the problem. Obtaining a hearing aid can remove this barrier to communication and you will be eager to resume your regular social activities with family and friends.
Effects of Diminished Hearing and the Workplace
By Courtney L. Ross, AuD
July 15, 2016
hearing loss
effects, hearing loss, job
The workplace can be a competitive environment. Hearing loss has been proven to affect an individual's job performance. It can lead to passed up promotions, lower salary and overall stress and disatisfaction.
Many working age individuals suffer from hearing loss and are hesitant to do something about it due to the stigma associated with wearing a hearing aid. New and innovative technology has made hearing aids much more discreet and also much more useful in noisy environments in which a person interacts with several individuals at the same time.
By Misty Littleton, Au.D.
June 15, 2016
hearing loss, phone conversation
Hearing loss does not need to get in the way of having meaningful conversations over the phone. The following tips can help you adjust your approach to help you get the most out of every phone call.
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By Misty Littleton, Au.D.
May 15, 2016
hearing loss, teenagers
The two common causes that lead to hearing loss are aging and prolonged exposure to noise. Other factors that can lead to hearing impairment can include frequent infections within the ear, ototoxic medications (like Ibuprofen, Naproxen, or Aspirin), untreated ear or head trauma, and other medical ailments such as cardiovascular disease, Meniere’s disease, or Alzheimer’s disease.
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Hearing aids can often be costly, and are often not covered by private insurance agencies. This can often cause people to grow reluctant when it comes to purchasing two hearing aids, and people may grow tempted to simply invest in one hearing aid to rectify the hearing loss in a single ear only.
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Thousands of Americans lost their hearing this past year. Who knows who could be next, perhaps it could be you! It is important to be prepared and take steps to treat the sudden onset of hearing loss.
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By Misty Littleton, Au.D.
Feb 15, 2016
hearing aids, itchy ears
People who obtain new hearing aids often complain about having itchy ears. This issue is fairly common, especially with those users who are wearing hearing aids for the very first time. The ear canal has very delicate skin that is sensitive to even the slightest form of irritation. The constant rubbing of the hearing aids with that delicate skin could be a potential cause for itchy ears. There are steps that can be taken to rectify this minor problem.
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By Misty Littleton, Au.D.
Jan 15, 2016
hearing loss, fatigue
People with hearing loss tend to feel exhausted due to the constant strain on their ears to focus on the limited range of sounds they are able to perceive. Dr. Ervin Hafter from the department of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, reported that people encountering hearing impairment have additional strain placed upon their cognitive abilities as a result of their hearing loss.
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